Reinvesting Versus Reinventing
Posted by Tom Locke on July 10th, 2010 filed in Business, General, LifeFinancially, these are challenging times for many. Some people have been forced to take a new path and, as they say, reinvent themselves. I think that is admirable. However, in taking that approach one tends to put aside some of their attributes/skills that they have honed over their careers. Many of these attributes/skills reflect who they are and are transferable.
Hence, if you are in transition mode, I suggest that you take the approach of reinvesting yourself as it will assist in keeping your attributes/skills at the forefront and aid in determining which are transferable or not. It will also help you identify opportunities that are a “fit” for you.
Transition doesn’t happen successfully overnight. Like my Dad always said, “If at first you don’t succeed, try second base or shortstop!”
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