Our Time Is Limited
Posted by Tom Locke on November 18th, 2011 filed in Business, Education, General, LifeThe other day I had a great chat with a social media expert. Our conversaton got around to talking about the late Steve Jobs of Apple fame. This conversation inspired me to revisit Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech of 2005 –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NA
During that speech he paraphrased a quote that had stuck with him for many years – “If you live everyday like it’s you last, someday you will most certainly be right”.
This insightful quote proved to be a foundation for him and his preaching to others about striving to do what you believe is great work … and, to do this, one must love what they do.
Hence time should not be wasted. So follow your heart and intuition and enjoy life. Those who do this continue to achieve and remain young at heart.
To those who rest on the laurels … your wearing them in the wrong spot!
I guess that’s why I subscribe to Steve Jobs’ closing comments in that memorable 2005 address.
Time is limited. “Stay hungry … Stay foolish”.
November 18th, 2011 at 1:27 pm
I think I remember that conversation, Tom. Always a pleasure chatting with you. Cheers to staying hungry and foolish … I also heard this morning from a mentor of mine: “Leading by example assumes good judgment (which we may not always have the luxury of), leading by experiment allows the best ideas to flourish.” It got me thinking – I wonder if … we should embrace the mysterious experiments of life and see mistakes as part of our evolution. Talk soon -GW