Posted by Tom Locke on February 26th, 2014 filed in Business, Education, TechnologyImagine if you could enter a store in a mall and suddenly receive a text on your smart phone that enhances your experience in the store by offering coupons or special sales while you are there.
Well you don’t have to imagine it … it’s here. And it’s called geofencing.
Simply put, geofencing combines awareness of the user’s current location with awareness of nearby features, defined as the user’s proximity to locations that may be of interest. To mark a location of interest, you specify its latitude and longitude. To adjust the proximity for the location, you add a radius. The latitude, longitude, and radius define a geofence. You can have multiple active geofences at one time.
A good video explaining this can be found at:
February 27th, 2014 at 11:35 pm
BCAA already has something like Geo-Fencing. Their publication West-World usually has at least three cardboard reply inserts: one for a walk in tub; the second for assisted retirement; and the third for funerals and funeral consultations. One time okay, but after several consecutive issues, I know shake the damn magazine in the lobby, flush the cards out, and then take it upstairs.,,,where I skip over the ads for high blood pressure, dentures and the latest craze, light bladder leakage.
Next time you pick up a magazine of this ilk, please enter a friends cell phone number “For more information about light bowel leakage…” Then sit back and watch the laughter as ‘geo-fencing’ does its magic at your friend’s neighbourhood mall. For additional hoots and giggles sign it him up for “Mascare magic” and “jewellery for my girl-friend”.
Hope we all have fun with it.