Transparency & Succession Planning
Posted by Tom Locke on September 22nd, 2014 filed in Business, History, LifeAdwoa Buahene is a co-founder and managing partner at n-gen, a consulting group in Toronto. She provides expert advice and professional facilitation in the areas of sales & customer service, leadership, working with Gen X’s & Ys, team building and HR strategies. When it comes to succession planning or as she likes to call it, “capability management”, Adwoa is a firm believer that organizations must go beyond saying, “We have great plans for you” to employees with potential to grow. She says,
“In today’s market place, where employees see themselves as having options and a bigger bargaining chip than before, those methods will not work. Only by being transparent as to what the [organization’s] needs are, and asking employees to be transparent as to what their interests are, will organizations be able to retain, develop and engage a stable workforce in the future. A workforce that will continue to produce sustainable results.”
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