Selling The Next Great Thing

Posted by Tom Locke on January 28th, 2016 filed in Business, Technology

Since our entry into the new millennium, I have  been in contact with  a number of entrepreneurs and start-ups claiming to have the next big, revolutionary app for the web that Google and/or Apple will readily compete for.

I am a big fan of creativity and innovation and I applaud these pioneers.  However, there is much more to it than just creating an app that is technically sound and easy to use.

Today there are millions of app’s out there vying for consumer dollars.  Hence, this raises the question as to how  will the consumer find your  app.  If you think  that the consumer will find it because it’s so great, you got another thing coming.

The app business is just that … a business – one that requires financing for creation, testing, quality control, human capital (that can deliver & execute) and MARKETING/PROMOTION.

Another critical thing to consider is the lead time you will have in introducing your app and making it viable before  a competing app or a clone of your app enters the marketplace.  Competition and cloning  happens quicker today than ever before and leads to confusion and the slowing down of consumer buy-in.

Someone once said, “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it”.  Well it  appears everyone is getting into the app business today.  However, it ain’t that easy.

For more on this check out David Gewirtz’s August 12, 2014 article on ZDNet  here.



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