Friends & Time
Posted by Tom Locke on June 14th, 2017 filed in Business, History, LifeLast month I had the pleasure of attending a reunion of Deloitte alumni who had began their careers in Toronto with this accounting firm in the 60’s and 70’s.
65 people showed up and I knew at least half of them. Some I had articled with and some I used to report to.
It was like old home week and as if time stood still – especially when the stories started coming out surrounding our early days in our careers. Embellished somewhat thanks to time, everyone found themselves smiling and chuckling about something or some story they hadn’t thought or heard about for 40 years.
For me, working for Deloitte, Haskins & Sells (as it was known when I joined) was very special. It was my first full time job and launched my career by providing an opportunity to join the staff of one of our clients. This career move subsequently found me moving to Vancouver and get involving with the film and entertainment industry – I never looked back.
However, this journey through time reinforced one thing – that being the fact that the people I connected with in my early days with Deloitte in Toronto remain my friends. And that’s saying a lot given that I have lived in Vancouver for 32+ years.
Every year I fly back to Toronto and go the Blue Jay home opener with many of the alumni. And like this reunion, these get-togethers are priceless.
As many of us enter our autumn years, spending quality of time with friends and family has become Job 1. And what a great job to finish off a career.
June 17th, 2017 at 10:05 am
Tom As you stated the friends we made in the late sixties will always be friends. Thanks to Terry Elder the get togethers over the years reinforced that bond. The FOX tournament and the first reunion cem ented the relationship. Mary Cameron, Rick Hethey, Bruce Barrick and I funded the dog and suds, the hops and cobs and wine and cheese parties for years. Great times. Thanks for the memories and life long friends, not many people can say the same thing. Tom Drake
June 19th, 2017 at 11:42 am
Thanks Tom for your comments. It was great to reconnect with you. Tom Locke