Christmas Kindness
Posted by Tom Locke on December 24th, 2018 filed in Business, LifeThe other day I had cause to go to a craft store to seek a solution for hanging a picture in such a way that it could either hang on a wall or be leaned against a wall or a backdrop.
The craft person, who was responsible for the displaying and framing of images, instantly came up with an elegant, cost-effective solution. The solution totally met my needs. However, when I asked her, “How much do I owe you?”, she replied “Nothing … have a great day.”
I was somewhat stunned by this but managed to stammer “Thank you … and Merry Christmas to you.”
I walked out of that store with a smile on my face and have since told this story a number of times.
One thing is for sure … that store has a customer for life. It’s amazing what a little kindness can do.
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