Fraternal Spirit Forever
Posted by Tom Locke on October 17th, 2019 filed in General, History, Humour, Life
On Friday October 11th, I attended the 150th anniversary reunion of my high school fraternity, Gamma Sigma Fraternity International. It was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario and I am so glad I went.
Many of the “Brothers” attending I had not seen in 40+ years. But that didn’t matter. A quick handshake and smile and we were right back in the saddle reminiscing about our times together. It could best be described as “old home week”.
The memorabilia on display and the stories told made it seem as if time had stood still. Yeah, we may be a little heavier and follicly challenged but our fraternity spirit remained present in spades.
One common theme, echoed by many, throughout the course of the evening, was the pivotal role our active days in Gamma Sigma played in shaping who we are today.
It was also fascinating in seeing the positive reactions shown by our spouses and significant others during the festivities.
And the laughter … it was infectious. Any of my fellow Brothers could be the poster child for the axiom of the legendary Danish comedian, pianist and conductor, Victor Borge, who said, “Laughter is shortest distance between two people”.
The committee of Brothers who put on this event did an exceptional job and had many of the attendees hoping for and committing to future alumni-like get-togethers.
It was the epitome of “Why Fraternity”.
Tom “Dudley” Locke, SHA, Gamma Nu ’68
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