The Importance of Stretching After Exercising
Posted by Tom Locke on July 16th, 2020 filed in General, Life, Sports ... All Sorts
Here in Vancouver, BC things are starting to open up as we enter our 4th week of Phase 3 in dealing and respecting the COVID-19 virus.
This has resulted in people getting out more and into a little more exercise … and “discovering” muscles and joints they have neglected for the past 4+ months.
So how can one reduce this “new” soreness in their muscles and joints? … Stretching!
Any trainer and/or disciplined athlete will tell you that stretching is an integral component in their exercise regime. In fact, many emphasize that stretching after their workout is most important.
It is believed that by stretching after a workout you benefit from both physiological and psychological effects. Plus your muscles are already warm which adds to the ease of maximizing your stretching.
A summary of benefits include: increased flexibility, improved blood circulation, elimination of lactic acid, boosted energy, pain prevention, improved range of motion, increased muscular circulation, gradual slowing down of the body, mental clarity and mind/body connection.
So you weekend warriors, before you saddle up to the bar after your tennis match, take 15 minutes out to stretch first – you will enjoy your beverage afterwards even more.
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