COVID Challenge Becomes An Opportunity
Posted by Tom Locke on July 30th, 2021 filed in Business, Education, General, Life, Music
The pandemic has certainly altered our business and personal lifestyles. Many of us have become very proficient at video conferencing and have been “forced” to learn how to properly interact with loved ones who are constantly around us – significant others and kids.
During the past year and half, my travel time has decreased significantly and has allowed me to revisit some projects that have sat for a great deal of time on the corner of my desk.
One of these projects relates to my passion for music. As a result, I have spent the last 18 months following up on the encouragement of the fans of Treasure Island Oldies, to write a book on the five minute featured music segments I have created/produced on a weekly basis for the show over the past 20+ years.
My new music book, ‘Moments In Time‘, is designed to entertain, inform and not offend, as it is time to put some smiles back on people’s faces by reflecting on simpler, memorable times through the artists and music of the 50s, 60s and 70s that we and/or our parents grew up with. It is scheduled for release this fall.
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